Mozilla Campus Club Orientation 2017 at Indreni College, Bharatpur, Chitwan

Date: 4th September, 2017 Venue: Indreni College, Bharatpur, Chitwan Co-ordinater: Arun Kumar Pyasi Mozilla Campus Club Orientation has been held in Chitwan, Nepal for the first time. This orientation was made possible by one of the most active FOSSian, Mr. Arun Kumar Pyasi. In this orientation, I was invited as speaker to talk mainly about…

Linus Torvalds: Not A People Person :)

Hello Guys. Here I am today sharing some pictures of the open source guy Linus Torvalds, most famous for his revolutionary developments like Linux and Git. He always expresses himself as not a much social guy! Despite of it, he’s a great inspiration to me. Enjoy these pictures.. Source: Duck Duck Go

Something about Open (FOSS)

The Open Definition -> A world where knowledge creates power for the many, not the few. -> A world where data frees us, to make informed choices about how we live, what we buy and who gets our vote. -> A world where information and insights are accessible and apparent to everyone. -> This is…